
【K 2019】Yizumi to debut the DCIM process in cooperation with Exipnos



【K 2019】Yizumi to debut the DCIM process in cooperation with Exipnos

Circular economy has become a hot topic in today's industry. The implementation of a circular economy presents both tremendous challenges and at the same time, massive potentials for the plastics industry.  
A leading injection molding machine manufacturer and system solution provider, Yizumi is introducing a new technology - Direct Compounding Injection Molding (DCIM) - in its Green Technology Line program. The solution is sustainable, cost-effective and has fantastic new commercial possibilities for customers worldwide.
By combining injection molding and compounding, the DCIM technology can reduce an enormous amount of CO? emission in the whole value chain. It’s estimated that the total energy for this procedure is approx. 500Wh per kg, saving 264kg of CO? when producing 1 ton of compounding material by using DCIM system.
Furthermore, the system is ideal for processing biopolymers, bio-based and bio-degradable materials. Therefore, it’s perfect for recycling and circular economy as a whole. The DCIM technology offered in cooperation with Exipnos GmbH is integrated in a complete Yizumi solution exhibiting at K 2019.

Yizumi solution: UN160A5-EU high-end servo IMM + CDS (Compound Delivery System) + Yizumi linear robot system YR6308S

DCIM: Compounding and injection molding in one operation
With Direct Compounding Injection Molding (DCIM), compounding takes place where the plastic is processed: on the injection molding machine. Expensive, time-consuming intermediate steps such as heating up, cooling down and granulating are eliminated. The core of the DCIM technology is a novel mixing and dosing unit, which can be docked to any commercially available injection molding machine with comparatively little effort via a special reversing valve.
The DCIM process is developed by Yizumi in cooperation with its technical partner Exipnos GmbH. The process works with every commercially available injection molding machine and enables not only less expensive, but also higher quality manufacturing processes, offering tremendous advantages for customers.

1) Time savings. DCIM does not require any granulation. This eliminates many time-consuming process steps.

2) Energy efficiency. Because the compound does not have to be heated, dried and transported, up to 0.4 kWh of energy are saved per kilogram of material.

3) Cost efficiency. Minimal process and energy costs result in cost advantages of up to 50 cents per kilogram compared to conventional processing.  

4) Quality benefits. The gentle, continuous processing often leads to materials with higher quality properties compared to conventional production with the same material composition.

5) Flexibility. Because the finely tuned, automated dosage of the material components takes place "live" on the injection molding machine, mixing ratios can be monitored and corrected in real time. This enables the converter to make tailor-made parts for his customer.

6) Fast ROI. DCIM unit is a modular system with solid construction. The DCIM unit can be docked with existing injection molding machines and can be switched on and off as required. The investment is therefore limited.

Compound Check: Limitless opportunities for innovative processors

Exipnos GmbH is a research-based and specialty-producing company in the plastics industry (certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015), which have been using fully functional DCIM prototypes for compound research and development for years. The customers thus benefit exclusively from the extensive experience and advantages of this technology.

In order to develop all advantages for innovative processors in the long term, Exipnos offers a compound check to interested customers. These fast, reliable results are made possible by the direct compounding technology, which eliminates the time-consuming and expensive granulation of material samples.

For DCIM customers, Exipnos can prepare the formulations and molding conditions of the materials and check the requested properties. The lab can test nearly all possible properties and then find the right formulation that enables the customer to produce the high quality parts.  

The Yizumi DCIM solution will make live demonstration at Hall 12 / A27 of Dusseldorf Exhibition Center.

Application Example

Part: Bio-plastic degradable cups
Cavity: 2
Material: BIO-ELAN
Size: 170ml
Weight: 59g
Cycle time: 60s
Partner: Exipnos, POLYKUM e.V.

Yizumi at K 2019:

IMM booth: Hall 13 / D80

DCIM solution:  Hall 12 / A27

Rubber Machine booth: Hall 14 / C59

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