
Photovoltaic energy accounts for 27% of total power consumption-YIZUMI energizes sustainable development with a green engine



YIZUMI has covered the 78,000 square meters rooftop of Wusha factory with photovoltaic solar modules. Among them, the first factory provides 36,000 square meters for 9816 units of 270Wp polycrystalline silicon modules while the second factory provides 42,000 square meters for 6726 units of 320Wp monocrystalline silicon panels. The total installed capacity of the PV power generation system reaches 4,802.64KW.


Watching from a distance, the roof of YIZUMI Wusha factory looks like a pond of blue water. A large collection of PV solar panels are mounted upwards in square arrays, glowing like fish-scale under sunshine.
YIZUMI has covered the 78,000 square meters rooftop of Wusha factory with photovoltaic solar modules. While the PV panels absorb the energy from the sunlight, the power production reading on the electric meter goes up rapidly.
YIZUMI’s PV project takes a “self-generated power for self-consumption with the excess going to the grid” approach to generate electricity in 10kV high voltage. The amount of energy generated gives the priority to self-consumption of the plant. The surplus energy will be fed into the national grid.
“The rooftop PV solar project makes full use of the renewable energy and effectively optimizes the regional energy structure. It not only reduces the energy costs but also helps to foster the transition of the enterprise toward a green and low-carbon economy,” said Zhuokun Yu, the Deputy Managing Director of YIZUMI.

Make good use of rooftop space

Promote a green and low-carbon development

Located in the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta Region, Foshan is characterized by the number of sunny days and long duration of sunshine with intensive solar radiation. It offers unique advantages of new energy reserves. YIZUMI has taken full advantage of natural resources and started exploring pollution-free, radiation-free, and sustainable PV power projects since 2017. The available rooftop space has gradually been utilized.

In this regard, Zhuokun Yu said: “As the world’s first country that activated the new energy transformation, “rooftop PV’ has formed a unique landscape in Germany. All our German partners have installed solar panels on their rooftops. It undoubtedly provides a good reference for YIZUMI’s decision making.”

After a comprehensive assessment, YIZUMI launched the first phase of its PV power generation project. The “Pilot Solar Farm” employs a fixed income model. In other words, it rented out the factory’s rooftop space to a PV enterprise that provided equipment and maintenance services. In recent years, with the country increasing the support to photovoltaic and other new energy industries, the PV industry system is becoming more mature, leading to lower investment costs. YIZUMI has completed the second-phase construction of its PV project.

Today, the 78,000 square meters rooftop space of YIZUMI Wusha factory is fully covered with solar panels. Among them, the first factory provides 36,000 square meters for 9816 units of 270Wp polycrystalline silicon modules while the second factory provides 42,000 square meters for 6726 units of 320Wp monocrystalline silicon panels. The total installed capacity of the PV power generation system reaches 4,802.64KW. The solar panels absorb light from the sun and convert optical energy into electrical energy that flows through inverters before being fed into transformers.

In order to collect the power generation information of the solar power plant, the project is also equipped with a PV monitoring system, transmitting information such as rated power, daily power generation, and other information related to the operation status of the power station to the monitoring room of the YIZUMI factory. Operation personnel can view each set of PV panels at any time and pinpoint problems, significantly improving the efficiency of PV power generation.

Reduce electricity grid strain

and ensure production activities of the enterprise

Due to the current power shortage in China, especially in the economically developed regions such as Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta, the power grids have to exercise power cuts and peak load shifting to ease the strain. However, such measures take a toll on certain manufacturing industries.
After YIZUMI’s PV project completes the construction, it generates electricity during the “Golden Power” time of day, which is also the peak energy demand time for enterprises. The seasonal power consumption curve indicates that electricity load is generally highest in the summer months, which happens to correspond to the amount of electricity generated by a PV system. The PV energy supply greatly alleviates the strain on the factory’s power line in peak demand time and mitigates the impact of power rationing on the production activities.
In addition, the rooftop solar panel installation helps reduce the indoor temperature in the workshop by 2-4 degrees. It improves the comfort level in the plant while reducing the energy needs for air conditioning and total power consumption of the factory to achieve the building energy saving of the plant. Meanwhile, the solar modules covering can prolong the roof’s service life and reduce roof maintenance costs.
With the completion of the photovoltaic system, the plant will consume the solar power first and pull energy from the utility grid as the supplementary power source. At present, YIZUMI's photovoltaic power station generates about 27% of its total electricity consumption. The practice is in line with the country's industrial policy and the sustainable development strategy that conserves energy, water, and the environment.
Zhuokun Yu said, “All of our new plants under construction or planned to build in the future have the adaptive designs for PV systems, including roof load bearing capacity, PV system wiring, etc. We also actively promote green and smart factories when planning plants for the upstream and downstream enterprises.”


Build green economy

to promote enterprise social responsibility

According to the Meteonorm meteorological database, the monthly solar radiation in the Foshan Shunde area has been about 1216kWh/m2 since YIZUMI’s photovoltaic power station was put into operation. Combined with the 80.3% designed efficiency of the photovoltaic system, the monthly and annual power generation of the PV power station can be easily estimated.

Based on the power consumption in Wusha factory, the system can produce about 4.665 million kWh of AC energy in the first year, an annual average of 4.243 million kWh over 25 years, and a total of about 106.075 million kWh in 25 years. The PV power can save approximately CNY 584,500 of electricity cost each year for YIZUMI. The total saving in 25 years will reach CNY 14.6125 million.

If it takes 360 grams of standard coal to produce 1 kWh of electricity, each kWh of electricity generated by the PV system can save 0.26 liters of fuel or 0.36 kg of coal, which also means fewer emissions of 0.997 kg of carbon dioxide, 0.0118 kg of sulfur dioxide, and 0.0043 kg of nitrogen oxides. At the same time, it reduces 0.272 kg of dust generated by coal-based power plants and saves 4 liters of clean water.

What the “Green Accounting” reflects is precisely the determination of YIZUMI to promote the new energy development and application as well as energy conservation and emission reduction under the guideline of carbon peak and neutrality goals. It is also one of the initiatives of the enterprise to practice its social responsibility and industry responsibility. “With the help of the PV industry and smart technology, we are transforming the gift of nature into tangible benefits,” said Zhuokun Yu.

In recent years, the state has strongly advocated the development of renewable energy in an effort to reduce the consumption of conventional energy resources such as coal and achieve the strategic goal of sustainable green development. This is consistent with YIZUMI’s concept of sustainable development.

In order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, fossil fuels such as coal, crude oil, and natural gas have to phase out and be replaced by solar, wind, and other clean energy. As an innovative enterprise, YIZUMI will vigorously promote the applications of green manufacturing technology, develop energy-saving technologies and products, and push forward technological progress in the industry.


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