
Makes thixomolding a major contributor to automotive lightweighting
Under the dual promotion of energy saving and emission reduction and performance improvement, automotive lightweighting has become an inexorable trend in the industry. The automotive industry have put a lot of effort into long mileage, reducing pollutants, and minimizing carbon emissions. The use of lightweight materials, structural optimization design, and innovative manufacturing processes are the three basic methods of automobile lightweight, among which lightweight material application is one of the most effective methods of lightweight development. As the lightest engineered structural metal material, magnesium alloys are receiving increasing attention from the automotive industry.

Why choose us

The best supplier of thixomolding equipment in China
For more than ten years, YIZUMI has been working on the research and development of thixomolding machinery. As the first manufacturer to successfully develop a thixomolding machine in China, YIZUMI led the development of the industry standard for Thixomolding Machine;. With many successful customer reference, it has been delivered not only to domestic customer, but also transferred to Germany, US and other regions since 2015.
Professional knowledge of magnesium thixomolding process
Our thixomolding experts will help you succeed. The interiors parts in automotive industryhave very high requirement for part quatlity, for example, the central instrument panel brackets with high flatness requirements, electronic component casings with large thickness ratio and painted trim parts with high surface density requirements. No matter what kind of high performance semi-solid magnesium alloys you produce, our process experts can provide you with rich process expertise.


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